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Reuse Minnesota fundraiser raises $4,332!

2024-07-17 8:36 AM | Reuse Minnesota (Administrator)

Reuse Minnesota would like to thank everyone who joined our fundraiser or participated in our online silent auction. Together, we managed to raise $4,332. More than 70 family members, friends, and colleagues of Reuse Minnesota members gathered at Sports Page in Bloomington on July 11 for a fun event, connecting and sharing with fellow reuse enthusiasts and enjoying delicious food.

A guest noted that it was a nice mix of ages and genders, a lot of energy, and a board of directors team that worked well together to make it a great time and get people on their way with purchases soon after the silent auction closed.

During the silent auction, bidders could win unique hand-crafted items, themed baskets, experiences, and services. We are so thankful to all the individuals and organizations who generously donated items for the auction.

Reuse Minnesota used the free platform to accommodate bidding by phone or computer before and during the event, so folks could monitor their bids without hovering. Payment closeout was as simple as pushing a button in an email to confirm purchase.

The group also heard brief highlights from Executive Director Emily Barker that included offering creative mending clinics, tours of places that practice reuse, school programs, and the most recent Rebates for Repair which rebated nearly $8,000 to consumers and supported repair businesses.

The funds raised from the event will contribute to our efforts in educating Minnesotans about reuse, advocating for reuse-supportive policies, and promoting our thriving reuse businesses and organizations. Special thanks go to the Reuse Minnesota board of directors for their hard work in planning this successful event!

You can check out our event photos here

Reuse Minnesota supports organizations and businesses that divert waste and prevent the need for resources for new manufacture by educating, advocating, and promoting reuse, repurposing, upcycling, and repairing items. Members range from individuals to businesses like thrift stores, nonprofits, and government agencies that support reuse.

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

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